Sacred Healing Grounds Bio Copy

Welcome to Sacred Healing Grounds.  


This foundation was created for the purpose of helping women to build nurturing connections and relationships, as well as establish thriving businesses. We all have dreams that seem far-fetched when we ponder on them alone. Yet, when you surround yourself with the power of a community, an unstoppable force links between those involved. A force that can take connections envisioned within the mind, and bring them into reality, one vision at a time.  


For a couple of years, I myself have been building, planning and connecting to realize my own purpose. I have had a vision of opening a wellness center where women from all over the world could gather. I saw them sharing with one another practices to develop their spirit within. I envisioned women creating feminine products and teaching information with the purpose of actually bringing health to the body. I vividly imagined holding seminars where powerful speakers engaged audiences within the same walls. They were talking about building thriving relationships and sustainable and successful businesses, and helping women to see where their true power resided...within themselves.  


This center is for the woman who is a go-getter who stops at nothing to achieve her dreams.   


It is for the woman who practices the greatest form of love...the love of oneself. It is from this place that we can truly learn to offer others love from an unconditional place.   


Sacred Healing Grounds is for the woman with an entrepreneurial spirit, who knows there is more within them to share with the world.  


If you're anything like me, you probably have had bumps along the road to where you are now. You may have been wondering where to start, or how to execute your plan and vision. At Sacred Healing Grounds, the community can help you shed the layers, and help you move past the obstacles that once seemed so large and insurmountable. Every great story begins with the first word. Every business or practice starts with simply making the choice to do it.  


I have come to realize that you do not need to know all the answers. None of us do.  You just need to master your purpose, and share what you do know with the collective around you .  


Join me on the journey of a lifetime,  where you will meet the Goddess within yourself as well as the other women within the community. 


Welcome to Sacred Healing Grounds… a place you can be 100% yourself, everyday for the rest of your life. 


Kia Smiles 

Founder of SHG

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