Sacred Healing Grounds About Us Copy

Each of us has a purpose in this world to accomplish, a legacy to plant. We all have the freedom and responsibility to design our life the way we desire it to be. Finding out how we will leave our mark in the world is one of the most important tasks I can think of for every single person on this planet. To take the time to connect to all aspects of ourselves, diving into the shadows, basking in our own light is how we come to know what life’s really worth. When we take the time to focus on ourselves, we develop our worth and acceptance of who we are. 

While this is an independent process or pilgrimage that each of us needs to go on to discover who we are, we have to open our eyes to the bigger picture... that we are in a world where so many other people are on the same path to re-discover or evolve themselves. When we are open and transparent enough to share on our journey, we can use the collective wisdom of the community to accelerate our individual paths. We can learn from each other and this is where the power of unity lies. When we purposefully gather, a multitude of women each becomes a small change in making the bigger difference.

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